COMPANY : AF Corse Srl

SITE : the site including its sub-sites attributable directly to the COMPANY and/or belonging to domains attributable to the COMPANY.

CONTENTS : textual contents, graphic and photographic elements, trademarks and logos, domain names, sound, music, video, audiovisual contents, functions, technical documentation and manuals and any material that can be viewed and accessed through the SITE.

VISITOR : anyone who browses the SITE

The access, consultation and use of the pages of this SITE imply the full acceptance by the VISITOR of everything stated in this document. Browsing the Site is to be considered generally free of charge, except for any connection costs charged to the VISITOR.


THE CONTENTS of the SITE are the property of the COMPANY and are covered by copyright.

The VISITOR is forbidden to copy, publish, disseminate, transmit or otherwise make available, even partially and/or following modifications, any content published on this SITE, under penalty of incurring civil and criminal penalties. The reproduction of the graphics of the SITE is also prohibited; the constituent elements of the SITE are protected by commercial agreements and their use in compliance with the laws on registered trademarks, competition and other laws and cannot be copied or imitated.


All contents published on the SITE are provided for general information purposes only, without providing guarantees as to their accuracy and completeness. COMPANY reserves the right to modify, and update said contents without any notice and without being held responsible for any and all damage, direct or indirect, including loss of profit, deriving from the use or impossibility of use of the SITE and of its contents, or of sites connected to it directly or indirectly, as well as from omissions or errors.


Brand names

The names of products and companies mentioned in this SITE may be trademarks of their respective owners, therefore unauthorized use of the same is expressly prohibited.


Applicable law

Without prejudice to any different provision of the law, any disputes or disputes that may arise regarding any use of the SITE or the CONTENTS between the COMPANY and the VISITOR or with the subjects who have collaborated or will collaborate in its publication or drafting or update of the CONTENTS, the accepted jurisdiction is that of the Italian State and, in any case, the applicable law is the Italian one in force at the time of the dispute.